Julius came in our room this morning and said "Tommorow's the day Barack Obama will becomes our 44th president!" (He actually learned this watching cartoons this morning...awesome.) I've been working on explaining the significance of the holiday today - not an easy thing to explain to my young kiddos - but I'm trying.
I thought we would spend some time today doing some community service to celebrate our National Day of Service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. However, this is what we are doing instead...

All 5 kids are sick and I started the morning with a migrane. So, we're continuing our "take it easy" weekend and spending the day resting and relaxing.
I read this great post on Bossy! this morning. She shares a great FHE outline for tonight featuring the Presidental Inauguration.
On another note, Henry and Hudson celebrated 7 months yesterday. Unbelievable!

Happy MLK Day!