During his partywe had lunch: grilled burgers and hotdogs, chips, and cut fresh fruit. We drank a yummy orange (his favorite color) punch. After lunch we played a few games such as Godzilla stomp and Don't drop the Godzilla egg.
Then we had the cake...made by me. Obviously. It looked terrible. But it tasted pretty good. It was orange colored and flavored inside with caramel between the layers.
After the cake the kids played outside on the trampoline and bikes for awhile and then they took turns swinging at the pinata. The pinata was homemade this year...my children were enthralled with the process. We made it into a Godzilla egg and filled it with candy, dinosaurs, and toys.
After the pinata we went inside for presents.
Then the kids went home.
Then I crashed. So, so tired. Still am.
But, it was a great birthday...I love our Julius so much!