Our Christmas celebrations started with Julius's Christmas concert at school. His class sang "Christmas, Christmas Time is Here" (not sure if that's the real title - think Alvin and the Chipmunks) and "Up on the Housetop". They did such a great job! My favorite part was when they sang "me I want a hula hoop!" Julius would swing a big hula hoop up and around with a big smile on his face. Melts my heart, that boy of mine! I can't count how many times I've asked him to sing his songs since then. It makes me SO happy!
We had fun buying some new decorations to add to our tree this year and setting out the ones from years past. 
It took me a couple of trys but I finally managed to make and finish Henry and Hudson's stockings. We also got to use Mom's nativity to decorate outside this year...(thanks Holly!)
Henry with his stocking goodies.
Hudson with his new mitten.
Our next family activity was making goodie plates to take to the neighboors. We made three kinds of oreo truffles (mint, regular, and blonde), almond joy, Russian tea cakes, Chex mix, snickerdoodles, and orange cream cookies. This was a first for me. I've never delivered goodie plates at Christmas before - always too busy. But this year I decided to forgo Christmas cards because we never got a good family picture taken and decided to make yummys instead. We delivered them for Family Home Evening. We were hoping to make it out to visit our old neighboors and friends from our last home - but time just got away from us. Sorry guys!
This year I volunteered to host our family Christmas party. We had it a few days early because those coming from out of town had other plans on Christmas. Amos and his family were the first to arrive on Saturday afternoon.
Sylvia and Bronwyn headed straight for the dress-up and convinced the boys to join in. (Bronwyn has been dying for some "girl"time - thanks Sylvia!)
We were expecting Mom and David to fly in from Alaska at 11 Saturday night. Gina got them a great deal at the hotel she works for - but to get the deal she needed to check them in before she left for work that night. We decided to leave Mom and David a little goodie basket to welcome them....well Tony won the most awesome white elephant gift at his work party and we decided to play a little joke on Mom and David. We set up the ResusciAnnie on the bed with a Diet Pepsi for David and Kettle Chips for Mom.
I think I peed my pants twice from laughing so hard. When the lights were out it was super creepy!

I found some pretty snowflake plates at the dollar store for the adult table which made it look really pretty. We had loads and loads of food. Two green salads, rolls, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, jello salad, stuffing, sweet potatoes, baked macaroni, and cheesy broccoli rice. We had enough left over to feed everyone again on Monday and STILL have leftovers.
Holly and Heath put together and improptu Nativiy program with the kids - and it was AWESOME! Doesn't Grant make an adorable angel? I think he was really supposed to be a shepard or wise man but I had convinced him to play dress ups earlier and he was lovin' this angel dress (so sorry Heath ;-) 

On Monday all the ladies had a chance to go shopping together then Amos, Heath and Gina went shooting. Afterwards we all had dinner together again...leftovers! We expected Mom and David's flight to come in that afternoon - but around 4:00 they called and said it was cancelled again. They ended up renting a car and driving here from Seattle. Heidi and I met them at the hotel at 1:30 in the morning. After they got some sleep they headed over to my house to see everyone.
We had pizza at Heath's house on Christmas Eve and came home to find that Santa's elves had stopped by and set up our Christmas train around the tree.
They also left an early gift for everyone...Our Christmas jammies!
Later that evening Julius spread out the Reindeer food so that Santa's reindeer would find their way to our home.
We were disappointed when we found out that their flight from Seattle was cancelled and they couldn't get anther one until Monday afternoon. Our Christmas Party was scheduled for Sunday and Amos's family was scheduled to leave Tuesday morning so we went ahead with the party as planned.
That day happened to be Grant's Birthday so we had a little celebration for him in the middle of things. Happy 3rd Birthday Grant!
My favorite activity was decorating gingerbread men. I found a yummy recipe and borrowed some large cookie cutters from Amyjoy (thanks!) I think the kids really had fun - I know I did!

I snuck out after Santa came and took this picture... We definitely got spoiled this year. Thanks Santa!
The kids woke up at about 7 on Christmas morning...I'd been up since 6...too much anticipation!This is Brady with his monkey "packpack".
Here is Tony helping Bronwyn learn how to use her "laptop".
Julius with his much anticipated GIGAN.
Bronwyn opening her Ponyville.Tony with the babies...They match! Practically triplets...
Whew! Did you make it to the end? I barely did...On the 26th we lazed around all day... all the twins are sick so I spent my day holding the babies and wiping B and B's noses and watching old black and white movies starring Mickey Rooney. Ahhhhh.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!