So... I'm addicted to scrabble.... Every night I beg Tony to play with me - but last night HE actually was the one to suggest it! I was SO excited! We had the best game ever - Tony scored over 300 points... His best word was JUMP the J was on a double letter space and the P was on a triple word space. He gained 69 points! My best word for the night was EXCELLENT which was played on two different turns. It wasn't huge on points but it's one of the longest words I've made.
Here are our scores: Tony 306! Mandy 287
Not a bad night! Maybe after this awesome score Tony will want to play more often...
BTW...I just won NUMBLE on ebay. It's played like SCRABBLE but with numbers - you add, subtract, multiply and divide....It should be fun. I can't wait for it to arrive!